Panasonic 42" Widescreen Plasma TV Offer Confirmation #239R-VMEB4735
To: Member #7682 Email: receive your gift*, please click on or cut and paste:
We have been trying to reach you in order to deliver your Free* Panasonic 42" Widescreen Plasma TV.
<a href=""> Please verify your shipping address and zipcode.</a>
E-Research Group has for you this Panasonic 42" Widescreen Plasma TV just for answering a short survey and participating in the offers provided.
Please visit our website and verify your zipcode:
Thank you and ENJOY!
Laura Cruz
Customer Service Rep.
* This promotion is conducted exclusively by E-Research Group com and is subject to participation terms and conditions. Receipt of your item requires compliance with offer terms, including: age and residency requirements; registration with valid e-mail address, shipping address and contact phone number; completion of user survey and sponsor offers. Upon valid completion of all Program Requirements, we will ship your item to your provided shipping address. Unless otherwise indicated, participation eligibility is restricted to U.S . residents, 18 and over. Void where prohibited. Trademarks, service marks, logos, and/or domain names (including, without limitation, the individual names of products and companies) are the property of their respective owners, who have no association with and do not make any endorsement of the products or services provided by E-ResearchGroup com. To unsubscribe from receiving future e-mails for this advert from E-Research Group, go to the website. D!
irectToConsumerInteractive com | 950 Walnut Bottom Road | Suite 15-212 | Carlisle, PA 17013 E-Research Group is an independent rewards program for consumers and is not affiliate with, connected to, or sponsored by Panasonic. Panasonic is a registered service mark of Panasonic, Inc.